Get professional development credit at our annual conferences! We focus on topics related to working with students with visual impairment. What you learn will be relevant to you and your work with students.
With the increased move to online and hybrid learning models, AMESVI has also started hosting “Mondays with AMESVI” webinars. Some of our topics have included
- Working with students with Cortical Visual Impairment
- Roundtable on teaching Orientation during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Delivering hybrid and remote services
- … and more!
We encourage our AMESVI members to reach out to the board. We would enjoy hearing your suggestions for conference topics.
AMESVI Training Support Funds
Get financial support from AMESVI for your training event! The AMESVI executive board considers requests for financial co-sponsorship of regional trainings.
We will only consider topics relevant to the education of students with visual impairments and blindness. Trainings must be accessible to any and all members of AMESVI.
If you are interested, please contact a board member for more information.
Do you need your Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) endorsement? Click here for the list of SEI courses to meet recertification requirements.
Learn UEB Online:
Other Professional Development
New England Regional Center for Vision Education’s Trainings can be found here:
Current offerings from Perkins School for the Blind:
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired also has online learning courses available:
Find out what American Printing House for the Blind has available at a national level:
More from American Printing House for the Blind! — Webinars for TVIs, COMS, students, and parents can be found here: