TVI Roles and Responsibilities
Roles & Responsibilities of Teachers of Visually Impaired (revised 2012)
What do Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVIs) do? What are their job responsibilities? These teachers have a multifaceted role which crosses many disciplines. Learn more in this document, developed by AMESVI’s membership of Massachusetts Teachers of Students with Visually Impairments. view page
Specialized Assessment and Special Education
ADA, IDEA & 504 comparisons. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 represent three attempts to improve the living conditions of those with disabilities.
Guidelines For the Specialized Assessments of Students with Visual Impairments. This document was released by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in July 2012. This document details
- The requirements for qualified educators and service providers
- The types of assessments to appropriately define the needs of these students
- Resources for locating specialized professionals and materials.
Service providers, families, students, teachers and administrators can use this document to justify appropriate services. Click here to download document.
Paths to Literacy: Determining What Students with Low Vision Actually See
Sample NIMAS contract language to pass on to Local Education Agencies. The National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS) helps facilitate timely access to alternate formats of instructional materials for students with visual impairments or other print disabilities.
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IEP Goals and Objectives
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired: VI Goals and Objectives
State of Colorado Visual Impairment Guidelines and Support — Sample Individual Education Program (IEP) Goals and Objectives:
Braille-related Goals and Objectives
Low Vision related Goals and Objectives
Math-related Goals and Objectives
Orientation and Mobility Goals and Objectives
Technology Related Goals and Objectives
State and College Board Testing Resources
Accommodations on College Board tests (SAT®, AP®, or PSAT/NMSQT®). To request accommodations, a student must submit a request to the College Board’s Services for Students with Disabilities. The process takes about seven weeks from the receipt of all documentation so please plan well in advance. College Board Documentation Guidelines for Visual Impairments.
MCAS Link, check out the latest test items and answer key.
The Perkins Braille & Talking Book Library has an SAT prep book, the Fiske new SAT insider’s guide, available on cassette and in braille at
Recycle old PSAT braille tests, send to the Accessible Instructional Materials Library, 3 Randolph St., Canton MA 02021. This is a link to their website:
Member Chat Archives
Virtual Learning Resources Click here to see some suggestions
Braille Notetaker IEP Goals and Lesson Ideas Click here
Sheet Music and Low Vision Click here to view chat
iPad Stands Click here to see what our members found
Low Vision and a Microscope – Using a microscope with low vision:The pupil cam to be extremely helpful. You can connect to any monitor (TV or computer) for an enlarged display. 1401KEN 10x Eyepiece Video PupilCam