The Association of Massachusetts Educators
of Students with Visual Impairments
Welcome to the Website of the Association of Massachusetts Educators of Students with Visual Impairments (AMESVI). We are celebrating our 26th year as an association of professionals who work with students with vision impairments.
Looking to join or renew your membership? Check out our membership page to learn more and to sign up!
Our Mission
Our mission is to improve and enrich the lives of students with visual impairments through advocacy, professional development, and the education of others, including members of the general public, regarding the unique educational needs of students with visual impairments.
2024 -25 Elections
Congratulations to the newly elected Board members: Bonnie Wellins/Greater Boston Rep, Amy Mason/Corresponding Secretary! Thank you for supporting your colleagues!
Brenda Allair/Western Representative, Karen Barrows/Northeast Representative, Hope Paulos/Greater Boston Representative(2), Nancy Sharon/Professional Development Coordinator, and Vanessa Rosalan/President Ex-Officio have completed their terms. Thank you for volunteering to serve on the Board!
If you have been a regular member for at least one year, please consider filling one of the vacant positions: President-Elect, Professional Development Coordinator, Western/Central/Northeast Representatives! These positions will be appointed by the Board.
2024-2025 AMESVI Board
President: Darick Wright
President Ex-Officio: Deirdre Nyberg
President Elect: vacant
Treasurer: Rachel Graves |
Recording Secretary: Nita Rossow
Corresponding Secretary: Amy Mason
Western Ma Rep: vacant
Central MA Rep: Vacant
Greater Boston Rep 1: Susan B. Manzon
Greater Boston Rep 2: Bonnie Wellins
Northeast Rep: vacant
So.Shore/Cape: Kerry McLean-Mahoney
Professional Development Coordinator: vacant
Digital Media Coordinator: Katrena Traut-Savino