
TVI Resources
This page is intended for Teachers of the Visually Impaired and we have included information that will be helpful for parents, students, and school systems. You will find everything starting with the roles and responsibilities of the TVI, to testing resources (PSAT, SAT, MCAS), IEP goal samples and ideas, and more.

O&M Resources
This page is intended for Orientation and Mobility Specialists and we have included information that will be helpful for visually impaired folks of all ages, parents, students, and school systems. Resources include current topics such as White Cane Day, Quiet Cars, Carfree Boston, as well as assessment and guideline resources.

Family and Student Resources
Do not miss this page! We have compiled a great number of resources to share with you. Resources include camp and career for kids, education for parents, transition for young adults, and everything college related.

Recreation Resources
Online games to outdoor adventures, and everything in between! If you don’t have enough hobbies this is the place to look. We’ve included information that will be useful for all ages and abilities.

Grant Resources
Lions Club information

Assistive Technology
What’s available and how to get it. There are many resources available to help meet your needs. This includes loan program resources, and buying, selling, trading, who’s responsible for providing, the law and more.
